Biyernes, Setyembre 25, 2015

Lesson 18: Tablets for Textbooks in Schools

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 18: Tablets for Textbooks in Schools

This lesson discusses about the tablets being a replacement to textbooks in classroom setting or in the teaching-learning process. Today, books are still the primary medium of instruction in most schools. Yet, there is a disadvantage of using books for learning that are being debated upon. The errors in public school textbooks have also been exposed, errors resulting from wrong information, technical mistakes and editorial lapses. Today, technology is being viewed as a savior because the students are enamored by computer games. By that, the educators have begun to think that the computer screen can very well serve as a power point educational medium.

            As to the experience, I find tablet as a useful tool in learning the lessons in the classroom especially if it deals with Science and other field of study. I do not have any of one yet I just have a netbook so, I will use my cousin as an example to express my experiences on it. He was a Grade 3 and had a tablet already, and as to my observation upon using it as an educational tool his performance in the class has been good. He always ask me to download apps that will help him to learn the subject far better, but it also have a negative effect for every weekend he cannot do his assignments because he is so busy playing with COC and he just do his homework at the morning before he will go to school. This is the reality of using a technology because whether we like it or not there will always a two sides of the new inventions.

            As to the reflection, using tablets as a replacement of the textbooks will have advantages and disadvantages. As to the advantages, tablets will be less burden to bring in the school unlike books, you can access with the information you did not understand in just one click, it is more interactive and it suit to the 21st century learners. As to its disadvantages, not all schools in the Philippines can implement in using tablet in the school for not all can afford to buy one, it is expensive for typical family, learners may not focus on the information given yet may play online or offline game if they are already bored listening to their teachers, etc. By that, the CHED as well as the DepEd should think many times about this issue before implementing it to the Philippine educational system.

            As to the application, future educators cannot meet this if they are assigned to the public or government schools as well as not all private schools will agree to this. So, for us it would be a challenge on how we find alternative ways upon integrating technology in the teaching-learning process for the students to learn far better. We can employ different activities and strategies that will cater the lesson as well as the objectives that will not solely based on textbooks or the students keep on reading with their textbooks without comprehension. But we should not also close our minds that someday all the textbooks will be replaced by tablets or even by the technologies that are being planned to be created for the new millennium learners. By that, we should always be prepared because whether we like it or not, these inventions will stay and progress from generation to generation.

Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum

This lesson discusses about Educational Technology 2 Practicum in which it offers students the experiential process of adapting to technology. This is the practicum phase which consists of hands-on computer tutorials and requirements such as: computer laboratory or special classroom with adequate computers for learning, participation of computer lab assistant- to assist the learners in the use of computer and assigned number of hours base on the requirements needed by the course. The practicum phase consists of first is the Basic Microsoft Word, which learners are taught how to use the toolbars and software; they will be taught how to encode, edit and format text; creating, formatting, editing and saving documents and printing as well. Second, is the Microsoft PowerPoint in which it helps the learners to enhance their reports by using it with the use of graphics, audio or videos, using templates, presenting and printing a slide. Lastly is the Microsoft Excel, it is used for storing, organizing and manipulating data. You can create simple and complex formulas in Excel to calculate just about anything

            As to the experience using such programs are not new to me because since then I already used it as a tool for me to submit my requirements as well as my projects. When I was in elementary years I enrolled in a computer class and we are taught of the basic things to be used in the MS Word like how to copy and paste, how to save, how to change the font style, etc. When I was in high school what I have learned from my elementary years was used for me to perform well in our Computer class. Then we are also trained how to use MS PowerPoint in doing reports like designing it and the do’s and don’ts of using it. Another is the MS Excel; we are trained how to use it then we have a practical exam on how to compute electric bill, water bill, business profit and grades.

As to the reflection, the practicum phase brings the learners and educators a challenge of a new age by integrating technology in the teaching-learning process. In each phase students were expected to know and understand such task and in the end they will be able to perform and apply it. Thus, practicum is a preparation to encourage the educators to instill learning with the aid of technology and shall be empowered to meet the technology challenges of the 21st century. Student-centered learning in reaching technology to education is the main concern of the teachers and the professionals as well in Educational Technology 2 which offers learners the experiential process of adapting to technology integration.

As an application, we future educators should be knowledgeable enough of knowing and using these programs. Nowadays, we observed that most learners are eager and curious about learning something and because we are now in these modern times, we must have to link students to technological advancement. These programs are a helping tool for us to teach effectively in the class and compute their grades well. Thus, we should adapt the changes as to the teaching and learning process but will not forget the traditional method because we cannot use these programs all the time or shall we say merely rely on it.

Lesson 16: The Internet and Education

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 16: The Internet and Education

This lesson discusses about internet which is also called as net. No one’s own the internet; there are no central headquarters, no centrally offered services, and no comprehensive online index. However this is done through a standardized protocol called transmission control protocol/internet protocol. The most attractive way to move around the internet is called browsing or a program called Browser that uses mouse to point and click on screen icons to surf in the internet, particularly the World Wide Web (the web), an Internet' s subset of text, images, and sounds are linked together to allow users to access data or information need. Internet gives connection to the world outside and advantages to access information.

As to the experience, every time I used my broadband for me to have an access on internet is a clear evidence of how I used internet as a tool in education. By that, I have an access to the different applications like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc. which I will used these applications for me to work with my assignments, projects, online exams and even socializing with others.

As to the reflection, the invention of the computer and the subsequent software programmed for its use has totally changed the whole concept of progress and communication.  Every part of the world can now be reached and contact with other persons where ever they are which can be done through the internet.  The internet is the system that enables the user of a computer to gain access to whatever he needs be it for information, for communication, for business or for personal reasons.  Missing relatives can even be found through the internet by using different social sites.  How much more for the field of education; the internet has become its partner in the ever changing learning process.  Students can interact with students in foreign countries, they can share information, learn and grow with each other.  They can search any topic and subject they want to research.  The globe becomes smaller and its inhabitants become closer and relations between countries are improved and strengthened.

 As an application, the internet is used every day, it makes us connected to the world outside, even in education we use internet to access in different form of information that provides us the knowledge that answer our questions. But we should not always rely on it because not all information given through the internet is reliable and valid. The school today are gearing up to take advantage of internet access, where they can plug into the library of congress, make virtual visits to famous museums in the world. Even in the schools mostly of the teachers used a laptop to their students or the learners, which is not a good habit as a teacher. By that, we should use the internet in a good way as well as not merely rely on it, for whatever happen book will always be a book and internet will always be an internet.

Lesson 15: Understanding Hypermedia

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 15: Understanding Hypermedia

This lesson discusses about hypermedia which is nothing but multimedia, but this was use as educational computers software wherein information is presented to the student and their activities are associated by virtual learning. Most educational IT applications are hypermedia and these include: tutorial software packages, knowledge webpages, simulation instructional games, learning project management, and others. There are also characteristics of hypermedia applications namely: learner control which learner itself will make his/her own decision on the flow of instruction, learner wide range of navigation routes wherein the learner has an option to repeat and change speed as he/she desired, variety of media that includes more than one media. However, capabilities of hypermedia do not replace life’s experiences and learning from nature of life.

As to the experience, it was clear evidence that nowadays teachers are into using hypermedia in order to associate virtual learning in the classroom setting. By that, every time we have a class we are experiencing the world of hypermedia like when we have an Educational Technology 2 class in which are instructors incorporate videos in the class and after seeing it he let us make a reaction on it. Another is the CERA making in which in the blogspot we can design the blog that we want and put template or even images on it. Edmodo is another example, wherein we are to put something before we upload what our teacher wants to, just like in our Folklore and Mythology class in which we are tasked to make a video of gods and goddesses and upload it in the Edmodo and many more.

As to the reflection, with the advent of modern technology, all aspects of man’s environment have changed. In the field of education, the students as well as the teacher are aided greatly by this information technology which has produced the term hypermedia referring to the multitasking of computer, their software as sources of information and student centered learning activities. In the integration of information technology or hypermedia in the learning process, the learner is given control over the kind of learning activities he needs and the pace at which he can work on his school projects and requirements. Hypermedia is indeed useful to the teachers because it gets the learners attention and interest. Similarly, it makes the learner recall the learning because it is virtual that provide learning feedback. Hypermedia is really helpful for both learner and teacher but traditional learning does not mean that it has no improvement on the student. Let us remember, computers have limitations and disadvantages tool.  

As to the application, we future educators should use hypermedia for it provides personalized learning activities as it helps those slow and poor learners. It gives activities suited to your learning objectives and needs. It presents variety of media that will really cater those fast and slow learners. Whereas in a traditional teaching methods, the teacher would take extra time, attention and effort to help the students who are slow in understanding the lessons. With that it gives teacher a hard time to develop new strategies and objectives for both fast and slow learners. So, it is really beneficial for the teacher to use hypermedia. It is also then possible for a teacher to let his students search, explore and discover in a traditional classroom. But with that, you need to provide the student an event to apply the learning, resources and materials as well as much time since the teacher has to take into consideration each one especially the slow learners.

Lesson 14: The Software as an Educational Resource

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 14: The Software as an Educational Resource

This lesson discusses about the computer which we may refer it as a machine, television, has monitor and keyboard. However, the things listed are the hardware of the computer which is hardly useful without the program. On the other hand, there are also software which has two types; the system software and application software. System software is the operating system that bonded inside the computer while application software contains the system that commands the particular task solve problem the examples are custom software and commercial software. This lesson also discusses about the Microsoft windows, which is an operating environment between the use of computer operating system and it is also called as a shell in which it is a layer that creates the way the computer should work. Similarly, Instructional software are visited on the internet or brought from software shops.

As the experience, when I was in high school our computer teachers already exposed us to the different hardware and software. Like for hardware, we have speaker, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc. For the software, we have the system software and application software. By that, we have a quiz about it; we also have film viewing as well as hands- on activities on how to operate those things which I find it as very useful because I have use what I have learned when I went to college.

As to the reflection, in the use of modern information technology as a part of the learning process, the teacher must possess or has acquired the needed skills to evaluate the best hardware and software to install in the school.  Everything we use to operate inside the monitor is software and it is important to the user. However, both components are complement to one another. The computer has paved the way for learning in a new light. It has given human race a lot of advantages from the time it has been invented.  Now the computer has been used widely and optimally in educational settings. Most of the educational materials used by the teachers nowadays are web-based software. It is attractive with colorful graphics, sounds and videos; so catching that you really want to download it.

As an application, we future educators should bear in mind that hardware and software are inseparable. The choice of material or program to be installed or use should be planned well so that students can use it as a source of information, and a tool for accomplishing assignments, group work or projects.  Terms such as windows, programs, graphics, download, internet and other pertinent technological words should be part of the teachers’ vocabulary and appreciation.  What should be foremost however on the choice of software to use is that it should be current or updated and has a wide scope of educational resources for students to tap or use.