Sabado, Hulyo 25, 2015

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learners

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learners

            Understanding Technology Learners is all about how we react as to the changes that learners in this new generation have been adopted. Learners are given tremendous responsibilities in using different technologies. This lesson emphasizes that teachers should have a confidence on giving the learners different tasks with the use of technologies. Teacher should also bear in mind that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in education, to be specific in teaching-learning process. This also emphasizes what teachers must do to catch the attention of the learners during the lesson, guide them as they go to their different task upon using such technologies, and know the pros and cons of it by balancing the changes in the classroom scenario that our learners in this new generation are experiencing.

            As to the experience, way back when I was in elementary using computer is not new to me because I was enrolled in a computer class which taught us the basic of how to use it, in fact we are using diskette to store our works there. When I was in high school I have continue what I have learned because we had a computer subject and whether we like it or not we are required to attend the class because each one of us was assigned to a specific computer. Our instructor then taught us different things and when we are finished with our activity, he gave our remaining time doing anything we want using the internet. Truly, our teacher did understand us in terms of using the technology but he always set limitations. When I was in college also, different instructors did allowed us to use technology especially in doing a research, and by that they always reminded us to use properly and take the responsibility of using it properly.

As to the reflection, we as a user of different technology we tend to have uncritical mind on floating images on the computers, cellular phones and television that represents modernity and progress. We spend most of our time using it to the point that we have abuse and overuse it. But we should be reminded that these were created to help us do our works easier. We cannot deny the fact that it has cons but we should also think to the outcome of using it in a negative way. As a future educator, I will set in mind to conduct activities that relates or connects to the subject-matter itself. Students should not be abusive with the use of technology that they end up focusing only on computer games rather than important things issued on computer.

As to the application, the real essence of this topic depends on how the learners apply what they have learned in this lesson.   As future teachers, we should use the technology in the teaching-learning process effectively and wisely. If we used it properly it will be a great help for us, but if we used it other way around it will contribute to the downfall of the learners as well as the teachers of having not met his or her goal as a teachers and users of technology. We should be flexible and accept the changes that nowadays students are visually learners and love to do different activity as the class discussion go on.

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