Linggo, Hulyo 19, 2015

History of Computer, Educational Technology and ICT

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm
History of Computer, Educational Technology and ICT

In this lesson it discusses the history of computer and educational technology as well as the Information and Communication Technology or popularly known as ICT. Here it was emphasized that in the history of educational technology it can be traced back to the time when tribal priests systemized bodies of knowledge, and early cultures invented pictographs or sign writing to record and transmit information. It also identify events and devices of the past that contributed to the technological revolution, examine the organizations and their viewpoints that have shaped technology use in the classroom today and prepare for the future in educational technology by analyzing current trends and advances. Comenius, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Herbart and Montessori contributed their own concept on educational technology improving educative process. Edward Thorndike and John Dewey formulated scientific theory of learning and the scientific method, respectively. In the history of computers, different technologies were presented such as the Abacus approximately 3000 BC, Calculators in 1600s, Punched Card Devices in 1800s, First Electronic Computer in 1940s, Mainframes in 1950s, Minicomputers in 1960s, Microcomputers in 1970s, Microcomputer Systems in 1980s and the Internet in 1990s. As to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT),  education is basically our society’s efforts to teach its current and emerging citizens valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them and systems that are built with them for an effective teaching and learning process.

As an experience, educators and students are now facing the revolutionizing power of different technologies. We are exposed to the different technologies which will be an effective vehicle or tool for an effective teaching-learning process. Like, from a bulky computer we had before when I was in my elementary years in turned into a flat one in my high school years and college years. The changes also that we have been adopted like from manila paper which was widely used in the reporting turned into Powerpoint Presentation, overhead projector to projector, etc. 

As a reflection, the evolutions of different technologies are complex and quickly changing, and it is confusing for many people as to what will be the future of these gadgets. It is so pervasive in the modern world that everyone has some understanding of it, but those understandings are often wildly divergent. We must remember that technologies are not at an end in them but are instead a vehicle, a tool to be employed in the most appropriate or most efficient way by the users. We do have a lot to say about when and how the power of these technologies will be integrated into our school system, either as a tool of learning or in some instances, and our objective is to find that good mixture that stimulates an effective learning environment.

As an application, we future educators need to develop competent learners which understand not only relevant technologies and lessons, but have a knowledge on their field of specialization like business, industry environments and operations to meet these specialized needs. ICT can and does support the kind of learning appropriate to the information age, it supports meaningful learning in which students are more likely to engage in literacy tasks and promotes active learning and will enable the user to do new things rather than just old things better. Therefore, educators must be encouraged to grow and to teach students the skills to live in this global village and ever shrinking world.  These technologies have shown the potential to revolutionize learning and to assist us in performing an endless variety of complex tasks beyond the capabilities of traditional styles.  As potential teachers and educators we must determine what roles technology can play in the school and just as important the role that technologies can play in the lives of the students to help develop them as reflective, competent and concerned citizens.

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