Sabado, Hulyo 25, 2015

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

Bridging the Generation Gap is a lesson where it talks about the changes that our educational system is now experiencing. As to the educational technology advancement, schools from progressive countries are fortunate enough compared to our country, the Philippines. Technologies are actually well-known to us but not all are able to use any of those because of poverty and scarcity of resources. Although, there are still those well-off people or school who can exploit it and that they are lucky because there is something which can help them in their studies. By that, to bridge the gap of the generation from the traditional to the modern one, information and communication technology (ICT) was introduced. Through this, we as a developing country will be globally competitive as to the advancement in terms of technology because educational system is now adapting this for the common good of the new generation learners.

            As to the experience, I noticed that in our municipality in Don Carlos, Bukidnon there are schools in the different barangays that have scarcity in resources to be particular in computers but this does not mean that educators will let that hinder learners in learning. Also, as to the ICT upon accomplishing the Educational Technology 1, I can really say that there was an effective result as to the course that have imparted to us.

As to the reflection, teachers should also be reminded that there are still plenty of traditional media that can still be used for effective learning in schools in rural areas if there are still no computers available such as chalkboard, model, newspaper, games, tableau, role playing, puppets and etc. which does not entail heavy materials in making. But if the school where we teach was blessed of having such thing, we should integrate it in the teaching-learning process for an effective outcome and for our goals to be met, by that our students will be globally competitive as to the use of technology.

As an application, a change in the way classes are traditionally conducted the quality of instruction, setting of instructional strategies to address specific instructional issues or problems and usage of technology that provides openings of opportunities to respond to these instructional issues or problems are the great challenges that we, future educators will face. But we should take it in a positive way to bridge the gap from generation to generation.

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learners

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology Learners

            Understanding Technology Learners is all about how we react as to the changes that learners in this new generation have been adopted. Learners are given tremendous responsibilities in using different technologies. This lesson emphasizes that teachers should have a confidence on giving the learners different tasks with the use of technologies. Teacher should also bear in mind that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in education, to be specific in teaching-learning process. This also emphasizes what teachers must do to catch the attention of the learners during the lesson, guide them as they go to their different task upon using such technologies, and know the pros and cons of it by balancing the changes in the classroom scenario that our learners in this new generation are experiencing.

            As to the experience, way back when I was in elementary using computer is not new to me because I was enrolled in a computer class which taught us the basic of how to use it, in fact we are using diskette to store our works there. When I was in high school I have continue what I have learned because we had a computer subject and whether we like it or not we are required to attend the class because each one of us was assigned to a specific computer. Our instructor then taught us different things and when we are finished with our activity, he gave our remaining time doing anything we want using the internet. Truly, our teacher did understand us in terms of using the technology but he always set limitations. When I was in college also, different instructors did allowed us to use technology especially in doing a research, and by that they always reminded us to use properly and take the responsibility of using it properly.

As to the reflection, we as a user of different technology we tend to have uncritical mind on floating images on the computers, cellular phones and television that represents modernity and progress. We spend most of our time using it to the point that we have abuse and overuse it. But we should be reminded that these were created to help us do our works easier. We cannot deny the fact that it has cons but we should also think to the outcome of using it in a negative way. As a future educator, I will set in mind to conduct activities that relates or connects to the subject-matter itself. Students should not be abusive with the use of technology that they end up focusing only on computer games rather than important things issued on computer.

As to the application, the real essence of this topic depends on how the learners apply what they have learned in this lesson.   As future teachers, we should use the technology in the teaching-learning process effectively and wisely. If we used it properly it will be a great help for us, but if we used it other way around it will contribute to the downfall of the learners as well as the teachers of having not met his or her goal as a teachers and users of technology. We should be flexible and accept the changes that nowadays students are visually learners and love to do different activity as the class discussion go on.

Linggo, Hulyo 19, 2015

Lesson 2: An Overview of Educational Technology 2

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 2: An Overview of Educational Technology 2
            Educational Technology 2 talks about integrating technology into teaching and learning process for an effective outcome. It emphasizes how users will use and apply his or her knowledge and skills as to the different modern educational media presented from the previous course. In this course it encourages teachers and learners to combine education and technology at the same time the school administrators to be more knowledgeable in using the technology in instruction and management of their schools. Learners can also be mindful and equipped as to the usage of different technology tools from traditional to modern educational media. The lesson had also presented the course objectives like providing education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners, impart learning experiences in instructional planning, learn to use and evaluate computer-based-educational resources, etc.

As to the experience, when I was in elementary in my computer class I had an experience of using the computer in a positive way by experiencing new things like learning how to use print screen, copy and paste it to MS Word, MS PowerPoint and MS Excel. In Educational Technology 1 also, our instructor gave us many activities and task to improve the way we make our reports to supplement and effectively teach the students soon. The things that have been taught to us were very useful as a future teacher then since one of the goals of a teacher is to focus on the catering and supplementing the needs of the learners.

As to the reflection, dealing with technology is not solely talking about computers, but all modern media available to us today and computer is one of these. By that, it is a challenge for us future teachers and to those who are teachers already to use both traditional and modern educational media as educational tools to widen the learners’ knowledge and cope up with their lesson easily. All the modern technology nowadays are of great used but as a teacher we should always bear in mind that learning should not always depend through the use of technologies. That is why we should use new tools and strategies in the teaching-learning process for traditional teaching are still in need for some aspect. This Educational Technology 2 will be more challenging to learn and I know there will be lot of integration and interesting task that will be given to improve our skills.

As to the application, the reason why this course is introduced is for us to know that there is a great benefit as to putting together the technology into teaching and learning so that learners will improve in a positive way their learning. The objectives of this course also would instruct, acquaint and bring us to the higher level of Educational Technology. We are lucky that the integration of technology into teaching and learning is now in practice and included in the curriculum. By that, we should learn to value the importance of computer and other technologies and know the limitations upon using it.

History of Computer, Educational Technology and ICT

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm
History of Computer, Educational Technology and ICT

In this lesson it discusses the history of computer and educational technology as well as the Information and Communication Technology or popularly known as ICT. Here it was emphasized that in the history of educational technology it can be traced back to the time when tribal priests systemized bodies of knowledge, and early cultures invented pictographs or sign writing to record and transmit information. It also identify events and devices of the past that contributed to the technological revolution, examine the organizations and their viewpoints that have shaped technology use in the classroom today and prepare for the future in educational technology by analyzing current trends and advances. Comenius, Pestalozzi, Froebel, Herbart and Montessori contributed their own concept on educational technology improving educative process. Edward Thorndike and John Dewey formulated scientific theory of learning and the scientific method, respectively. In the history of computers, different technologies were presented such as the Abacus approximately 3000 BC, Calculators in 1600s, Punched Card Devices in 1800s, First Electronic Computer in 1940s, Mainframes in 1950s, Minicomputers in 1960s, Microcomputers in 1970s, Microcomputer Systems in 1980s and the Internet in 1990s. As to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT),  education is basically our society’s efforts to teach its current and emerging citizens valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them and systems that are built with them for an effective teaching and learning process.

As an experience, educators and students are now facing the revolutionizing power of different technologies. We are exposed to the different technologies which will be an effective vehicle or tool for an effective teaching-learning process. Like, from a bulky computer we had before when I was in my elementary years in turned into a flat one in my high school years and college years. The changes also that we have been adopted like from manila paper which was widely used in the reporting turned into Powerpoint Presentation, overhead projector to projector, etc. 

As a reflection, the evolutions of different technologies are complex and quickly changing, and it is confusing for many people as to what will be the future of these gadgets. It is so pervasive in the modern world that everyone has some understanding of it, but those understandings are often wildly divergent. We must remember that technologies are not at an end in them but are instead a vehicle, a tool to be employed in the most appropriate or most efficient way by the users. We do have a lot to say about when and how the power of these technologies will be integrated into our school system, either as a tool of learning or in some instances, and our objective is to find that good mixture that stimulates an effective learning environment.

As an application, we future educators need to develop competent learners which understand not only relevant technologies and lessons, but have a knowledge on their field of specialization like business, industry environments and operations to meet these specialized needs. ICT can and does support the kind of learning appropriate to the information age, it supports meaningful learning in which students are more likely to engage in literacy tasks and promotes active learning and will enable the user to do new things rather than just old things better. Therefore, educators must be encouraged to grow and to teach students the skills to live in this global village and ever shrinking world.  These technologies have shown the potential to revolutionize learning and to assist us in performing an endless variety of complex tasks beyond the capabilities of traditional styles.  As potential teachers and educators we must determine what roles technology can play in the school and just as important the role that technologies can play in the lives of the students to help develop them as reflective, competent and concerned citizens.

Sabado, Hulyo 18, 2015

Lesson 1: A Review of Educational Technology 1

Nuñez, Patricia Ann P.              BSEd-English4A             TTh 10:00am-12:00pm

Lesson 1: A Review of Educational Technology 1

            Educational Technology 1 comprises of different lessons that begin with concrete experience that leads to abstract one and will then results to application in the teaching-learning process. The lessons are interrelated with the other lessons. There is also integration with the other course as to this course. This is also highly motivating and experiential that whoever took this course will dwells with any activity that is relevant to human experience. In Educational Technology 1 the lessons are interactive for learners analyze the experience and synthesize the same to come up with concrete generalizations up to the abstract one. It does not only cover the cognitive domain of a learner but also its affective and psychomotor domains for learners are tasked to produce a product based on their learning and understanding of the different lessons. Such lessons include are: the meaning of educational technology, advantage and disadvantage of technology, roles of educational technology in learning, systematic approach to teaching, cone of experiences and so on. 

            As to the experience, this course taught me a lot. I have gone through different unusual activities which I did not expect that I was able to do it. Like making weird invention which our output had met the criteria and was chosen by our instructor as one of the best output. Another is making a divergent arrow that shows the differences between educational technology from technology in education, making a collage showing the advantage and disadvantage of technology, making different paper works of the different lessons, making a PowerPoint Presentation that will make our instructor impress of the way we deliver it and present in the class, editing a photo, making a comics strip out of a toondoo, making rubrics in the different strategy that will be used in the teaching-learning process and most of all culminating the course by having a tarpaulin making at the same time having a film festival which most of the instructors of the college cannot believe that we are able to meet the objectives of our instructor.

As to the reflection, I believe that it is really important to know first what we are studying about to prepare ourselves in many things to be done for this course and would not judge it without even experiencing it. This course is not that easy because time, patience, understanding, cooperation, trust and money are highly needed to be able to succeed in this course. But I tell you, accomplishing this course is worthwhile and all the things that you have given to this course will be paid off in the end. It was such an overwhelming to my part having experience such things because not all of the student in the university are given the chance of experiencing this course because this is just offered to Education students. I am very grateful to our instructors for uplifting us in the midst of difficulties, helping us to accomplish different task, for the time and efforts he gave to each and every one of us and most of all for imparting his knowledge and skills to this course.

As an application, the generalizations, concepts, theories and principles that I have learned will be used to make technology as a user-friendly. I should be mindful enough on how I teach in the near future especially that practicum is fast approaching. I should also be reminded that what I have learned in this course will be used for an interactive, experiential, integrative and constructivist approach in teaching so that I will be an effective teacher at the same time user of technology. The effort that we will give in teaching the students with the use of the technologies should be equal to the learning that our students will get; in short there should be a balance and use it wisely.